Colon Cancer

Posted In: World Trade Center VCF

Colon Cancer is commonly reported among those that were exposed to the toxins surrounding Ground Zero, among the Top 10 Cancers certified by the World Trade Center Health Program. Colon and rectal cancers share many similar features and are often called colorectal cancers. Starting in either the colon or rectum, both conditions begin as a polyp and can later develop into cancer.

Some cases of colorectal cancers are known for having extended periods between exposure and diagnosis. It’s crucial that first responders and survivors continue to monitor for signs of colon cancer. These symptoms could include a change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding or blood in your stool, persistent abdominal discomfort (cramps, gas, pain), weakness or fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.

Current treatments for colon cancer include

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Ablation embolization

Slater Slater Schulman LLP is dedicated to the representation of individuals who have been injured or have loved ones who have been injured by exposure from the toxic debris of 9/11. Our firm is handling litigation related to these claims nationwide.

If you or someone you love was diagnosed with a 9/11-related colon cancer, please contact Slater Slater Schulman LLP for a free consultation by filling out the form on this page or by calling our office at (800) 251-6990.

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