Wrongful Death

Posted In: World Trade Center VCF

Families and loved ones of survivors who have passed away from 9/11-related cancers and illnesses may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. There are strict guidelines when it comes to filing these claims, including how they are categorized, and how much is awarded to the claimant.

The first step in filing is for the family to determine who will be the representative of the case to bring it before the Victims Compensation Fund. To be a “personal representative”, the individual must file a separate legal action in the New York State Supreme Court, Surrogate’s Court. Once the person is appointed by the Court, they can start the process of obtaining proof of presence in the exposure zone or other contaminated areas.

Slater Slater Schulman LLP is dedicated to the representation of individuals and families who have lost loved ones due to injuries sustained after exposure to the toxic debris of 9/11. Our firm is handling litigation related to these claims nationwide.

If you or someone you love has passed away due to a 9/11-related cancer or illness, please contact Slater Slater Schulman LLP for a free consultation by filling out the form on this page or by calling our office at (800) 251-6990.

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