Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Proceeding
Case Update
What do we already know?
- 82,000 claimants submitted sexual abuse claims in November 2020.
- 86% of survivor votes were in support of BSA’s Plan for reorganization in December 2021.
- Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein approved BSA’s Plan for reorganization in September 2022.
What does BSA’s Plan for Reorganization include?
$2.6 Billion settlement trust for survivors.
Critical safety measures and protections for current + future generations of Scouts.
The formation of a Survivor Advisory Working Group.
A secured commitment from the BSA to appoint a survivor to its National Executive Board.
So... where does the case stand right now?


So... what will happen next?


What if I selected the $3,500 one-time payment?
Questions & Answers
Why is this case taking so long?

Where we've been,
and where we're going...
Claim Form Deadline
Survivors vote to accept BSA Plan
Judge approves BSA Plan
Appeals process began
Conclusion of appeals process
Additional questionnaire to be completed
Claim Form evaluation / compensation