Sex Trafficking

Posted In: Sexual Abuse

Human sex trafficking has become an epidemic in our country, with the National Human Trafficking Resource Center reporting more than 17,800 sex trafficking incidents over a 10 year period—the actual number of cases is estimated to be significantly higher.

Sex trafficking crimes affect individuals of all ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds. Sex traffickers use tactics such as promising immigration papers, employment opportunities, promises of fame, or romantic connections to lure thousands of people into the sex trade every year.

Businesses share responsibility for the growth of the sex trafficking trade; motels, hotels, airlines, websites, and truck stops play a vital role in these egregious activities and often neglect to report sex trafficking enterprises due to the millions in profit realized.

Any business that detects signs of human trafficking activity must report to the proper authorities. By ignoring such behavior in favor of financial gain, businesses can be legally liable for partial damages sustained by sex trafficking survivors, including physical, emotional, and psychological pain and suffering.

Federal and state laws allow survivors of the sex trafficking trade an avenue to recover damages from businesses that turned a blind eye to illegal activity. For instance, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act was revised in 2008 to allow survivors to file lawsuits against negligent businesses that have financially benefited from known sex trafficking activity and took no steps to stop it.

If you or someone you love is a survivor of sex trafficking and wishes to file a claim, please contact Slater Slater Schulman LLP for a free consultation by filling out the form on this page or by calling our office at (800) 251-6990.

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