Slater Slater Schulman is proud to announce that all three senior partners, Adam Slater, Jonathan Schulman and Joseph Slater have been selected for inclusion into The National Trial Lawyers – Civil Plaintiff Top 100 in New York for 2023. For Adam, this is a re-selection for the fourth consecutive year. Jonathan’s is being recognized as a member for his second year and Joseph’s membership is newly announced for 2023.
Selection to this exclusive membership is by invitation only and is limited to the top 100 trial lawyers for civil plaintiff practice in each state. The National Trial Lawyers is a professional organization composed of premier trial lawyers from across the country who exemplify superior qualifications as civil plaintiff trial lawyers. The association provides accreditation to these distinguished attorneys, and gives essential legal news, information, and continuing education to trial lawyers across the United States.
This honor is a testament to Adam, Jonathan and Joseph’s leadership, influence, stature, public profile, and reputation as attorneys. We are proud of their work and congratulate them on this outstanding achievement.
Senior Partners of Slater Slater Schulman Selected as Members of The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 in New York State

Posted on: March 23, 2023
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