Premises Liability

Posted In: Premises Liability

Premise owners, managers, and occupiers are accountable for the conditions of their property. Whether its crumbling sidewalks, uneven surfaces, or an accumulation of ice and snow, these individuals have a responsibility to create a safe environment for anyone who resides or visits their property. In the case of an accident on their premises, premise owners and other parties can be held liable for injuries if the cause of the accident is determined to be from negligence. 

Premises liability can apply to any private or public property, including apartment complexes, office buildings, restaurants, hotels, and medical centers. These types of lawsuits can encompass a variety of negligent acts, including: 

  • Ceiling collapse 
  • Slip and falls 
  • Elevator accidents
  • Defective stairways
  • Negligent security
  • Fire safety and building code violations
  • Inadequate lighting 
  • Water leaks 
  • Dog or animal attacks
  • Uneven sidewalks 
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Toxic fumes or chemicals  

Unfortunately, not every injury caused by unsafe and dangerous conditions on a property means that a property owner was negligent. In order for a premise liability claim to be successful, it must be proven that the property owner was aware of the unsafe condition and failed to correct it before an injury occurred. 

Slater Slater Schulman LLP is dedicated to the representation of individuals who have been injured as a result of a premises accident. Our firm is handling litigation related to these claims nationwide. 

If you or someone you love has been injured as a result of a premises accident, please contact Slater Slater Schulman LLP for a free consultation by filling out the form on this page or by calling our office at (800) 251-6990.

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